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Present                         :       
Councillors I Shaw (Acting Chairman), K Chewings, M Chewings, D Eldridge, S Ellis, S Gardner, B Handbury, L Healy,
C Jeffreys,  N Monday, C Patterson, and A Simpson.

Apologies Received      :          
Councillors H Brumpton, R Butler and D Stothard.

In Attendance                :          
Julie Stephenson, Town Clerk and Jane Pick, Administration Manager (Cotgrave Town Council)

The meeting was held at Cotgrave Methodist Church and commenced at 7.00pm   



2920     The apologies received were approved.

Declarations of Interest

2921     No Declarations of Interest were given.

Public Open Session

2922     No members of the public were in attendance.

2923     Standing Orders were suspended at 7.05pm to allow Jermaine Shread from Positive Futures to give an update on the work being carried out in Cotgrave.

2924     Jermaine has been working with Positive Futures/Trent Bridge Community Trust for the past 11 years working with the young people of Cotgrave.

2925     They currently provide provision for hours when the Young People’s Centre provided is not open, so basically between 3.30 and 6pm.  They have a team of outreach workers engaging with young people out and about in Cotgrave encouraging them to engage and healthy activities.

2926     A football session for year 7 boys is taking place on the MUGA and hope to help migrate these young people to the Youth Club when it is open.

2927     They are offering support to Cotgrave Candleby Lane School and are trying to focus on helping year 6 children with their transition to secondary school.

2928     They are also working with the young people on life skills, budgeting, employment Post-16 as well as giving advice on drug abuse.  They are aware of a minority group of young people that are involved with substance misuse and additional work is being held with these young people. Also, Trent Bridge Trust are trying to move some of their work back out into the community to help address issues out of school.

2929     Councillor Shaw asked Jermain if they worked alongside the Police.  They are aware of some young people who have been referred by the Police and are working with these people on how to make better choices in life.

2930     Councillor M Chewings wanted to thank Jermain and the team for the amazing work that they do in Cotgrave with the young people.

2931     Jermain asked if Council would like a quarterly update from Positive Futures. Council would very welcome this approach.

Jermaine Shread left the meeting at 7.30pm.

Accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 8th March 2023

2932     Resolved          :           “That the minutes of the meeting held on 8th March 2023 be received and confirmed as a true record.”

Progress Council Meeting held on 8th March 2023

2933     M2887 Barratt Homes

The monthly update from Robert Galij has been received. The planning application for the bridge has been sent to Rushcliffe Borough Council for consideration and consultation on the building of houses on Hollygate Lane North and South are being discussed, working towards planning applications being presented.

Planning Minutes

2934     Resolved          :           “To confirm the planning minutes recorded and the decisions taken by the Council and those of the Planning Authority.”

Financial Matters

2935     Payments

‘’That the payments made since the previous meeting totalling £25,765.55 as recorded below, be approved and the invoices awaiting payment be paid’’.

2936     Councillor Healy queried the three payments for EDF Energy. This is a new contract with and direct debit payments are now being received and will now be a monthly charge.  They are charging a standard fee each month until an exact metre reading can be submitted. 

DateSupplierInv. NoItemAmount
Feb 23EDF Energy First Payment Unit 28299.00
Feb 23EDF Energy February Unit 28299.00
29.1.23UK Fuel Fuel99.53
25.1.23Notts CC92826713January Salaries11,252.18
14.1.23Three1385689347Mobile Phones29.78
23.1.23J A Kents65104January Maintenance960.00
30.1.23Allotment Tenant Keys x 3 Deposit Refund40.00
31.1.23Methodist Church Room Hire 11.1.2330.00
1.2.23Elexcel11757Installation of PIE to Muga1049.38
3.2.23SLCC209245-1Training Event – Committees18.00
31.1.23Rushcliffe BC70994585Qtly Rent G’Mere 1.1.23 to 31.3.2368.75
31.1.23Rushcliffe BC70994576Qtly Rent G’Mere 1.12.23 to 31.12.2368.75
1.2.23Rushcliffe BC70995546Unit 28 Rent650.00
1.2.23Rushcliffe BC70995297Suite F Service Charge156.00
1.2.23Rushcliffe BC70995152Suite F Rent435.00
23.2.23Flagmakers257920/2Coronation Flag and bunting273.16
15.2.23Methodist Church Grant – Warm Hub600.00
10.2.23Notts CC22300979Bin Bags, Gloves112.07
7.2.23NALC2646Subscription 20231489.00
3.2.23WaterPlus1109318Burhill Allotments102.82
7.2.23British Gas460725622Suite F60.59
15.2.23Cotgrave Futures647MUGA Electricity Charges24.99
1.2.23One Stop Promotions269865Flagpole511.20
16.2.23Insignia30984Coronation Coins3488.70
20.2.23One Stop Promotions270308Flags306.24
17.2.23Kent Services65195February Maintenance960.00
10.1.23Elexcel11746Refurbishment to Christmas Decorations1779.36
27.2.23Vale Skip Hire Annual Skip Hire264.00
Feb 23Opus Energy Sportsground Electricity31.05
Feb 23EDF Energy Unit 28 Electricity299.00
24.2.23HSBC Bank Charges8.00

Income Received


Feb 23Allotment Tenants2023 Rent849.33
1.2.23Cotgrave FCRent160.00
23.2.23Allotment TenantReplacement Key15.00
23.2.23Allotment TenantsRent Plots 33, 25, 13, 6a, 4, 12, 2, 9, 1b, 36b, 21 Burhill555.82
23.2.23Allotment TenantsPlots 8 and 10 Hollygate105.00
23.2.23Allotment TenantsPlot 3 Forest Close62.43
23.2.23Manvers ArmsNewsletter Advert92.40
17.2.23Allotment TenantsPlot 20 Hollygate52.50
23.2.23Summer MarketStall Hire20.00


Financial Statements

2938     Members considered and approved the Statements for January 2023 as reproduced at the back of the Minute Book.

At the end of November Council had £35,988.85  in the Co-op account, £93,775.10 in the HSBC account and £201,683.32 in the NatWest account.


2939     A grant request has been received from Cotgrave Community Garden.  The group had not provided the correct supporting paperwork to allow council to proceed with the grant process.

2940     The Clerk will ask the Community Garden for the correct paperwork and council will re-consider the grant again at a future meeting and invite a representative from the community garden to attend a future council meeting and give an update of the work being achieved and the future plans.

Cotgrave Futures

2941     The Trustees had nothing to report.

Working Groups

Miners Memorial

2942     Council consider the first proof for the memorial and asked if it could be slightly bigger design of 1.5m wide x 1m height. A few changes in the wording were also suggested for amendment.

2943     Councillor M Chewings wanted to thank Councillor Gardner, the Clerk, and the Administration Manager for working on the memorial board.

HM King Charles III Coronation

2944     Council considered options for a commemorative bench for HM King Charles III Coronation.

Resolved          :           “To purchase a bench from David Ogilvie Engineering with the King’s Cypher at the cost of £1,395 + Delivery

Council will decide on the wording for the plaque on the bench at a later date.


2945     Council have been copied into the latest edition Model Standing Order 2018 (England).  This edition updates that revised by council in June 2016).

2946     Councillor K Chewings said that this policy should be approved at the Annual Council Meeting and will be represented at meeting.

2947     Council were also copied into the Correspondence Policy for approval.

            Councillor K Chewings had one amendment to this policy:-

            D. iii) Councillor Correspondence to external parties should read

            E-mails sent by councillors using their Cotgrave Town Council email address to other bodies, must be appropriate and work-related (omitting ‘and must always cc to the Clerk’).

2948     Resolved          :           To adopt the Correspondence Policy with the above amendment.”

Council Meetings

2949     Council

Resolved          :           “To continue to hold Council Meetings at the Methodist Church Hall for the next Council year 2023/2024.”

The Clerk will speak with the Methodist Church and book the hall.

Cotgrave Futures Globe Lights

2950     The Clerk has obtained costs for the refurbishment of  the globe lights outside Cotgrave Futures.  This would involve converting the fittings to accept LED lamps and replacement globes. The quotation also covers the cost of hiring a cherry picker for access to facilitate the works.

2951     Resolved          :           “To approve the costs for the replacement/refurbishment of the globe                              lights at Cotgrave Futures of £1,815.70.”

Clerk’s Training

2952     The Clerk is currently working towards her CILCA qualification and has asked Council for approval of the payment of £450 to cover the Portfolio training course and qualification.

2953     Resolved          :           “To approve the cost of £450 for the CILCA Training Course.”

Correspondence (for information only)

2954     Trent Barton

Following numerous complaints regarding the reduction in service within Cotgrave, the Clerk had contacted Trent Barton.  They have replied and are happy to arrange a working group meeting with Council to discuss the changes and any other thoughts about the route.

2955     Councillors K Chewings, N Monday, I Shaw and A Simpson wished to be involved in the working group.

2956     The Clerk will speak with Trent Barton and arrange a meeting.

2957     Resident Letter

            A letter has been received from a resident with her concerns on the public transport service in Cotgrave.

2958     Civility & Respect

            The latest issue of the Civility & Respect newsletter has been received. The newsletter was giving information about podcasts available for councillor’s responsibilities as employers.


            A letter has been received from referring to an incident at the Remembrance Day Parade on 13th November 2022.

 Clerks Reports

2960     The Clerk informed Council that an on-line briefing on the election process by Rushcliffe Borough Council had taken place.  This is now available for viewing if anyone still wished to watch.

2961     The Clerk has made an appointment with the Elections Office on 23rd March at 11am to take in any nominations form.  Please inform the Clerk if anyone would like her to take in a nomination form.

2962     The Clerk has  encountered  some anti-social behaviour whilst closing the MUGA on Saturday evening, this is not the first time this has occurred.

Council asked to review the risk assessment and speak with the police and report the incident.

Councillors’ Reports

2963     Councillor Eldridge referred to an email regarding ownership of community facilities and asked if the Bowling Green Hut could be considered.  The Bowling Green was under ownership of CISWO.

To suspending Standing Orders at 9pm to allow the meeting to continue for a further 10 minutes.

2964     Councillor Handbury had been speaking to the Chairman of Cotgrave FC at Arthur Ridley Sportsground and it was reported to him that Council are burning branches on the concrete pad that the football club use for parking at the weekend and this is not being swept away following the burning. The pad is required for car parking especially during the winter period.

The Clerk will speak with the ground staff regarding this.

2965     Councillor C Jeffreys was very concerned about the corner of Colston Gate and Hollygate Lane following another accident on Monday evening and asked if anything could be done to improve this junction and help prevent any more accidents.

2966     Councillor N Monday has received reports that it was getting difficult to get appointment at the doctor’s surgery.

2967     Councillor Monday also asked when the repairs to the manhole cover at the junction of Bingham Road and Candleby Lane.

2970     Councillor Myles reported that BT were soon to attend site to carry out repair to the fence at the BT exchange.

2971     Councillor Simpson asked if there had been any communication from Rushcliffe Borough Council regarding the siting of the recycling bins on the Shopping Centre. The Clerk has emailed the Borough Council but has not received a reply.

2972     Councillor Shaw just wanted to inform council that he had heard very good report of the new Indian take-a- way in Cotgrave.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at  9.10pm

Chair:…………………………………… Signed as a True Record (Date)………………………………