If you want to influence what issues your local beat team focuses on where you live or work for the next three months, complete our online Neighbourhood Priority Survey.
Together with meetings with residents and community feedback, the results of the surveys are used to help local beat teams set their priorities.
Completed anonymously, the survey ask you to explain what concerns you have about criminal activity where you live. It asks for information about a range of concerns, including behaviour, speeding, street drinking, nuisance vehicles and other criminal activity.
To have your say on policing in your area visit: www.neighbourhoodprioritysurvey.co.uk.
If you know someone who hasn’t got access to the internet, but would like to complete a survey, paper-based surveys can be obtained from your local beat team. Call 101 to speak to them or visit www.nottinghamshire.police.uk and click on Your Local Police to find out who your beat team are.