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Minutes Council Meeting 10th February 2021

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Councillors D Stothard (Vice Chairman), H Brumpton (from 7.07pm), R Butler, K Chewings, M Chewings, D Eldridge, S Ellis, B Handbury, L Healy, C Jeffreys, N Monday, C Patterson, I Shaw and A Simpson.

Apologies Received      :     
Councillors D Wilkie.

In Attendance                   :         
The Town Clerk, Administration Manager (Cotgrave Town Council), and one member of the public.

The meeting was held virtually, via Zoom, and commenced at 7pm.


The apologies given were approved.

Election of Chairman of Council

Following the resignation of the previous Chairman of Council, Council proceeded to elect a new Chairman.

Councillor S Ellis proposed Councillor D Stothard, this was seconded by Councillor I Shaw.

“That Councillor D Stothard serve as Chairman for the remainder of this Council.”

It was now necessary to elect a new Vice Chairman of Council.

Councillor K Chewings proposed Councillor I Shaw.  This was seconded by Councillor S Ellis.

“That Councillor I Shaw serve as Vice Chairman of Council for the remainder of this Council.”

Due to the meeting being conducted remotely, the Declarations of Office will be signed as soon as is practicable possible.

Declarations of Interest

No declarations of interest were received.

Public Open Session

No members of the pubic wished to speak.

Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 15th January 2021

“That the minutes of the previous meetings held on15th January 2021 be received and confirmed as a true record.”


M1270 Off Road Motor Bikes
Councillor Shaw asked if there had been an update from the Police.  The Clerk stated that the Police will be attending the Council meeting in March.

M1273 Litter Bin on Owthorpe Road
An update from the Borough Council had been received and at a recent visit to the site said that some litter was found at this site and the layby has now been put on the weekly litter pick.  This area will be monitored.

M1295 Letter to Barratt Homes
The letter has now been sent to Barratts regarding the new bridge at Hollygate Lane.  No reply has been received back from them.

M1338 Large Puddle on pavement outside 27 Woodview
The works have now been carried out by Nottinghamshire County Council Highways, to rectify the issue.

Minutes of the Extraordinary Town Council Meeting held on 25th January 2021

“That the minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 25th January 2021 be received and confirmed as a true record.”


M1351 Apologies given by Councillors R Butler and L Healy
The Clerk had contacted the Chief Executive of Rushcliffe Borough Council regarding the meeting that Councillors R Butler and L Healy had been attending at the same time as Council’s Extraordinary Council Meeting.   This was a training course that all Borough Councillors had been asked to attend.

Councillors R Butler and L Healy wished to note their disappointment that their apologies had not been accepted at the meeting.

Cllr Healy found the pending acceptance of his and Cllr Butler’s apologies to be offensive and damaging to their integrity and saddened with the need to check with the Borough Council if they had attended a meeting of Rushcliffe Borough Council.

Councillor S Ellis wished it to be minuted that he felt it was incumbent to treat colleagues as truthful people regarding their reasons for apologies.

Planning Minutes

“To confirm the planning minutes recorded the decisions taken by the Council and those of the Planning Authority.”

Planning Application 21/00231/OUT – Land south and east of Hollygate Lane

Council discussed the outline planning application for up to 45 dwellings.

Councillor K Chewings proposed that Council object to the planning application for the following reasons: –

Councillor I Shaw seconded the proposal.

A vote took place, and 8 councillors were in favour of the proposal, 3 were against and 2 abstentions.

“That Council object to the outline planning application 21/00231/OUT for those reasons stated above.”

Financial Matters


‘’That the payments made since the previous meeting totalling £16,507.24 as recorded below, be approved and the invoices awaiting payment be paid’’.

COTGRAVE TOWN COUNCIL 10th February 2021
Vodafone470219581Mobile Telephone119.65
Rushcliffe BC70837091Forest Close Allotment Rent135.00
Rushcliffe BC70837206Grassmere Quarterly Rent178.75
Rushcliffe BC70837224The Green Quarterly Rent168.75
Rushcliffe BC70837215Eastmoor Quarterly Rent166.25
Rushcliffe BC               70827242Studio 3 Rent 1410.00
M Dutton & Son Ltd13908TYM Tractor repairs12811.61
Notts County SuppliesN122001720Bin Bags, Litter Pickers178.73
George Brook Emergency Tree Works the Green1125.00
Water Plus441513Forest Close Allotments Water151.26
Water Plus4412882Burhill Allotments Water1350.08
UK Fuel                        J103022Fuel173.25
Veber1285-48048Data Back Up113.20
Opus Energy69870341Sports Pavilion Electricity155.34
HSBC Bank Charges16.50
Notts County Council925344777December Salaries19459.86
Meerkat CommsMC006166CCTV Business Hub159.40
Mick Dutton & Son13515Service Tym Tractor1419.67
Post News Shop1918Plants for new planter Woodview143.50
Mrs J Pick Reimbursement for PPE and Ink1161.55
NALC1782Planning E Training (55.34×3)150.40
Opus Energy Sports Pavilion Electricity155.34
Atkins009/2021Service Office Airconditioning160.00
HSBC Bank Charges16.50
Cotgrave Comm Kitchen Electricity Charges for Pensioners Christmas Meal175.00
Vodafone Charges12.65

1395     Income

“That the income totalling £3598.11 since the last meeting, as reproduced below.

4.1.21Cotgrave FCRent150.00
Various DatesAllotment Rent 2021Hollygate Lane x 16 Plots752.00
Various DatesAllotment Rent 2021Burhill Allotments x 25 Plots883.76
January 2021Allotment Rent 2021Forest Close x 148.32
19.1.21HMRCVAT Refund1669.07
25.1.2021Allotment Rent 2021Hollygate Plot 13 (New Tenant)93.25

Financial Statements

Members considered the Statements for December 2020 as reproduced at the back of the Minute Book.

At the end of December 2020 Council had £24,290.85 in the Co-op account, £122,507.43 n the HSBC account and £201,08 4.34in the NatWest account.

 Working Groups

Grassmere Play Area

Councillor Stothard had no further update on the development of Grassmere Play Area.  He asked that this item could be put back on the agenda once Council staff were back to working in the office following the national lockdown.

Future housing development in Cotgrave

Councillor I Shaw said that most of this agenda item had been covered in the planning application 21/00231/OU, above.

Councillor K Chewings said that he had not received a response from Rushcliffe Borough Council regarding his correspondence sent some time ago.  He would write a further letter to them.

The Clerk had contact RCAN regarding information on funding for a Neighbourhood Plan but had not received a reply.  She had also contacted East Leake Parish Council, who said that they had mixed feelings on whether their Neighbourhood Plan was a success.  She would also contact Keyworth Parish Council.  These two Councils were very similar demographically in size to Cotgrave, to attend a future extraordinary council meeting, which will be arranged.

Defibrillators in Cotgrave

Council considered three quotations for defibrillators, to be installed in the phone box on the corner of Ringleas and West Furlong, which was not the property of the Council.

Resolved          :           “To order a Fully Automatic NF1201 defibrillator costing and the Defibsafe Cabinet from the East Midlands Ambulance Services at the cost of £994.00 + VAT.”

Councillors K Chewings also asked the Clerk if she could arrange for a door and relevant signage to be installed on the phone box?

Council will also be looking into the possibility of installing a defibrillator at Hollygate Lane estate if a power source could be provided.

Land at the rear of 12 Burhill

A resident had made enquiries if Council would be willing to sell a piece of the land to them at the rear of their property on 12 Burhill, to extend their garden, to be used as garden space.

This piece of land is a grassed area near to the car park area used for Burhill Allotments.

Councillor S Ellis thought that there was no advantaged to Council in selling the land. Councillor K Chewings agreed with Councillor Ellis.

Council also had concerns of the future use of the land once it was sold to the resident.

Resolved          :           “Council were all in agreement not to sell the piece of land to the resident.”

New Council Office

The Clerk wished Council to give her authority to commence with the legal process for the renting of the new office in the Business Hub.

The current lease with Rushcliffe Borough Council which included Studio 3 at the Leisure Centre, will need to be amended and to still include the garage and storage space at the Leisure Centre for Council’s ground staff equipment.

Resolved          :           “To allow the Clerk to proceed with the legal process for the new Office at The Hub.”

Covid-19 Policy

There had been no changes to the Covid-19 Police since the previous meeting. We are still following all the rules for National Lockdown, and this may need to be reviewed after the speech by the Prime Minister on 22nd February 2021.


A grant request has been received from the Cotgrave Community Kitchen for £1,146.58 to cover the cost of fleece and bodywarmers for the volunteers and a potato oven to provide a healthy option of food for those attending the shop.

The group provides hot meal and food packages to the most vulnerable people in the community, they are currently providing 115 hot meals per week and a minimum of 50+ food care packages per week.  They also provide a community shop on Thursday and Saturday offering food for a voluntary contribution or a range of free to take food.

Council thanked the Cotgrave Community Kitchen volunteers for all the help they provide to the residents and noted they did this role in very cold conditions.

Resolved          :           “To provide the Cotgrave Community Kitchen with a grant of £1,146.58.”


The latest copy of the Police and Crime Commissioners newsletter, The Beat, has been received.

The Clerk had received another letter from a resident regarding planning application for Land rear of Mill Lane, 20/03248/OUT and their concerns regarding the development.

A letter had been received from the Cotgrave Community Kitchen thanking Council for the support that Council provides them.

Councillors have all received a copy of the Budgets for 2021-2022.

Clerks’ Reports

The Clerk did not have anything to report.

Councillors Reports

Councillor R Butler commented on the flooding on the bend of Hollygate Lane and that this is now being investigation by the County Council as a drainage issue from the field onto the road from a privately owned land.  This is also the problem flooding onto the road from a field at Woodgate Lane.

Councillor Butler had also received notification from the Nottinghamshire CCG that Covid-19 Vaccinations are now open for the over 65s.

Councillor K Chewings had been contacted by a resident of Thorntons Close who had received a fixed penalty fine from the Borough Council for some trees that had been left on the alleyway after they had been cut down by the resident.  He had contacted the Borough informing them that he had been arranging for the removal of the cuttings before the penalty had been received.  He had paid the fixed penalty.

Councillor M Chewings had been asked by a resident if an amount of rubbished near 4 Saxon Way could be arranged to be removed, this was now attracting rats.

The Clerk would visit the site and arrange for removal if required.

Councillor D Eldridge thanked the Administration Manager for arranging for the path on Woodview that gather puddles during heavy rain to be repaired.

He also asked if the bench for Madisson Park had been organised yet.  The Clerk would order the bench to be installed once the weather conditions had improved.

Councillor S Ellis said that Cotgrave Town Council must be one of very few councils to have a 0% increase to their budget which has been set for 2021-2022 and this is something that should be published.

The 2021-22 Budget will be included in the next edition of Cotgrave Connections Newsletter.

Councillor Ellis also said that it was crucial that as many people as possible take up the Covid-19 vaccinations that are available in Nottinghamshire, if not some slots will be lost, or the vaccination will be wasted.  The more people have the vaccination the safer it will become.

Councillor B Handbury said that with regarding to the flooding on Hollygate Lane, that drainage water was not allowed to enter canals. He is concerned that field dykes have been removed over the years and this is now causing this problem.

Councillor I Shaw asked if a defibrillator could be considered for the Daleside estate, possible to be located near to the green area on Daisy.

Council had already agreed to investigate this at a previous meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.38pm

Chairman…………………………………… Signed as a True Record (Date)………………………………