Dear Sir/Madam,
You are summoned to attend the Town Council meeting being held on Wednesday 10th March 2021 at 7pm, which will be held by video conference to transact the business specified below.
Press and Public joining the meeting
Members of the public and press are invited to attend and listen to the proceedings. Please follow the following link:
Meeting ID: 985 6418 1345
Passcode: 798768
Name – The name you enter will be displayed on screen, so please decide before joining the meeting if you wish to use your first or last name only or put anonymous if you do not want your name displayed as the meeting will be recorded.
- Video – this does not have to be used, you will see the Councillors and other attendees, but we will not see you unless you have the video switched on. If you wish to speak, it would be useful for your video to be on, but it is not essential.
- Mic – There is a public speaking section on the agenda. The Chairman will indicate when the public session is open and please indicate that you wish to speak, by raising your hand or by informing the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. Please can we ask you to mute your microphones on entering the meeting.
- Recording – The meeting will be recorded and the those with the video turned on and this will be uploading to the website. By having your cameras on, you will therefore need to be aware that you are agreeing to this. If you do not wish your face to be seen, please leave your video turned off.
You can view the Town Council’s privacy policy by visiting:
Yours faithfully
Mrs J Stephenson
Town Clerk
1. To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Public Open Session
4. To co-opt to fill a vacancy on the Town Council – Local Government Act 1972.
5. To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the virtual meeting held on 10th February 2021.
6. To consider progress with the decisions taken.
7. To confirm the Planning Minutes – to note
8. Planning Applications
9. Financial Matters – to consider a) payments made, b) income received (since the last meeting), c) Financial
Statements for January 2021.
10. Grants – to consider grant requests from a) Vale First Responders, b) Cotgrave Youth Service.
11. Working Groups – a) Development in Cotgrave
12. Grass Cutting Maintenance Contract – to consider a one-year extension to the contract.
13. Broadmeer Play Park – to consider quotation for the repair to wet pour safety surface.
14. Rushcliffe Children’s Centre – Easter Egg Appeal
15. Tree Works – to consider a quotation for tree works on The Green and Ringleas Park
16. Covid-19 Policy – to review any changes/updates required.
17. Correspondence
18. Clerk’s Reports
19. Councillors Reports