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Agenda Council Meeting 6th December 2023

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30th November 2023

Dear Sir/Madam,                         

You are invited to attend the Town Council meeting being held on Wednesday 6th December 2023 at 7pm, which will be held at Cotgrave Methodist Church Hall, to transact the business specified below.

Members of the press and public are welcome to observe proceedings. Time is allowed for brief public participation. (Please forward details of any issues to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting).

The press and public will be excluded from the meeting during consideration of Items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960.

Yours faithfully

Mrs J Stephenson
Town Clerk


1.         To receive apologies for absence.

2.         Declarations of Interest.

3.         Public Open Session.

4.         To co-opt to fill vacancies on the Town Council – Local Government Act 1972.

5.         To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 8th November 2023 and the
personnel Committee meeting held on 20th November 2023..

6.         To consider progress with the decisions taken.

7.         To confirm the Planning Minutes – to note

8.            Planning Applications

23/01168/FUL          Skinners Lock Farm, Peashill Lane, Cotgrave, Nottingham, NG12 3HD – Two storey side
and rear extension including first floor side dormer (partially retrospective).

             23/02106/FUL    36 Rectory Road, Nottingham, NG12 3HU – single storey side
extension and roof lights over existing kitchen.

  • Appeals

APP/P3040/W/23/3315368 Planning Application Reference: 22/00243/FUL Notice Under Regulation 25 of The Town and Country Planning (EIA) Regulations 2017 (as amended). Notice of Further Information to Accompany an Environmental Statement – Erection of 4 No. Poultry buildings, 8 No. Feed bins, 2 No. Feed blending rooms, gate house, generator, plant room, water tank, dirty water tank, gas tanks. Creation of a new access road, car parking and concrete apron as well as new attenuation pond. 

  • Application for a determination for prior planning approval.

23/02099/GDOTEL Playing field East of Leisure Centre (Madisson Park) Community Leisure Centre, Woodview, Cotgrave, Nottinghamshire – existing 15m pole supporting 3 No. Antennas to be removed and replaced with new 20m Monopole which will support 3 No. new antennas along with ancillary equipment thereto including RRUs and BOBs.

9.         Financial Matters – to consider the following items –

a) payments made,
b) income received (since the last meeting),
c) Financial Statements for October 2023,

10.        Grants – to consider grant requests from – a) Cotgrave Colts, b) Cotgrave Advice Centre,
            c) Cotgrave Candleby Lane School.

11.        Personnel Committee – Recommendation to put forward the draft Staff Handbook for approval for staff

12.        Council Events:

  1. Remembrance Day Parade 12th November – to review the event.
  2. Pensioners’ Christmas Meal – Update
  3. Christmas Market and Lights Event 24th November 2023

13.        UKSP Funding – do council wish to apply for any funding (funding open from 10.11.2023 to 19.2.2024.

14.        Allotments Charges/Tenancy Conditions 2024 – to approve charges for rent, water and insurance and Terms
of Tenancy Conditions for 2024.

15.        Cotgrave Futures – a) to receive an update from the Trustees, b) to consider a request from Serendipity’s
Day Nursery to install an external window and to receive the Trustees recommendation.

16.        Correspondence

17.        Update from Ward Members

18.        Clerk’s Reports

19.        Councillors Reports
