Cotgrave Town Council Meeting 8th July 2020 Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Councillors S Gardner, C Pattison, B Handbury, I Shaw, A Simpson, R Butler, D Stothard, N Monday, L Healy.
Apologies Received:
Councillor M Chewings, K Chewings, S Ellis and C Jeffreys
Councillors H Brumpton, D Eldridge and D Wilkie
In Attendance:
The Town Clerk (Cotgrave Town Council) and Paul Heard (Chairman Cotgrave FC)
The meeting was held at virtually, via Zoom, and commenced at 7pm
The apologies given were approved.
Declarations of Interest
No declarations of interest were given.
Public Open Session
An apology from Leighton Peel, from Virgin, was given as he could not join the meeting to give an overview of the installation of Virgin cables within parts of Cotgrave.
Council agreed to suspend Standing Orders at 7.00pm, to allow Paul Heard from Cotgrave FC to give an update regarding the future for Cotgrave FC.
Cotgrave FC as they are now known, will be 30 years old this year and the football committee have decided to update the current clubhouse before the start of the new season, due to the current pandemic, it would be better to upgrade the current clubhouse rather than build a new one, which would take a lot of funding. Also, the club has decided to do additional works on improving the quality of the pitches and the purchase of some new machinery for that reason.
The football club had given three contractors, a description of the improvements they would like to consider within the budget of £30k, which was being given from Cotgrave Town Council, the money which was achieved when the telephone mast was installed onto the side of the football pitch on the Lingford field, for updating the building. The three contractors all produced a detailed specification of the work and the costs.
The improvements would include cladding to the outside of the building, toilet and patio area upgrades and some roof improvements.
The football club have had the building checked by a structural engineer and the building is sound and the cladding to be used on the building, has been checked for fire safety.
The work is hoping to be completed within three weeks and ready for the start of the season on 5th September 2020.
The football club will be offering mixed teams for the girls; this is what has been requested. If the numbers of girls playing increases, girls only teams will be offered.
Standing orders resumed at 7.43pm
Minutes of the Town Council Meeting of 10th June 2020
Resolved : “That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 10th June 2020 be received and confirmed as a
true record”.
M748 Motorcyclists at Devils Drop Woods
Cllr Shaw has rung the police again regarding motorbikes travelling at speed going through the woods on the bridle path and on one occasion causing a horse to bolt. The police have not attended, and the residents are very frustrated with the regular disturbance in the area.
Cllr Monday commented that the police should be attending, and that Council need to write to the Chief Constable and Paddy Tipping to complain about the lack of policing and the concerns of the residents regarding the motorcyclists.
Resolved: ‘To write a letter to the Chief Constable and Paddy Tipping regarding policing within the area.’
M0777 Plumtree Road Wall
Cllr Healy noted that the brick wall on Plumtree Road is falling into a poor state of repair but is unsure who is responsible for its repair.
Cllr Monday commented that the walls surrounding a property on the corner of Risegate and Owthorpe Road may also need some attention.
Council requested that the Clerk write to Via and ask if the work should be completed by them.
M0779 Road Resurfacing on Owthorpe Road
Cllr Monday noted that the road surfacing had been completed again on Owthorpe Road and this time the surface has a very good finish.
Planning Minutes
Resolved: “To confirm the planning minutes recording the decisions taken by the Council and those of the Planning Authority.”
Financial Matters
Payments Made
Resolved: ’That the payments made since the previous meeting totalling £24,069.68 as recorded below, be approved, as recorded below, be approved and the invoices awaiting payment be paid’’.