Present :
Councillors I Shaw (Chairman), R Butler, K Chewings, S Ellis, S Gardner, L Healy, C Jeffreys, S Mitchell and A Simpson.
Apologies Received :
Councillors N Monday and D Stothard.
Absent :
Councillors S Denham, M Myles, and M Woodward.
In Attendance :
Three members of the public, PC S Mills and PCSO P Evans (Notts Police), Julie Stephenson (Town Clerk) and Jane Pick (Administration Manager) – Cotgrave Town Council.
The meeting was held in the Meeting Room at Cotgrave Futures and commenced at 7pm.
The apologies received were approved.
Declarations of Interest
No Declarations of Interest were given.
Public Open Session
Two residents wished to speak to Council to show their disappointment that the Town Council has cancelled the Remembrance Day Parade and feel very let down but understands the reasons why.
One resident also did not realise that members of the public were able to attend council meetings and that they thought these were not advertised very well, and that perhaps a consultation should have taken place before a decision was made on the Remembrance Parade.
A petition had been signed by 272 members of the public, but it was not given to council. It was asked if council would be able to help them conduct a parade or perhaps a small fee of £2 could be charged for entrance to the fireworks to raise funds for the parade. They would also like some support from the local Royal British Legion branch. Royal British Legion cannot facilitate a parade but help with information. Other local villages have a parade but march down along the pavement, the council are not allowed to do this.
A resident is crocheting poppies to make a wreath that they would like to lay at the war memorial and have a visual walk on the pavement with a flag. This parade can be organised by residents wishing to go to church. Council suggested that the residents come and lay their wreath with all the other representatives laying their wreaths following the church service of remembrance. All wreaths are very welcome to attend the war memorial service.
Council is willing to share all information which is needed to run a parade but is unable to provide any public liability insurance to cover any parade if it was needed.
The Chairman of Council, Councillor I Shaw responded to the residents concerns.
Council meetings and agendas are advertised on the Town Council notice boards (4) around the village, on Council’s website, in Cotgrave Connections Newsletter and now on the new Council Facebook page and residents are welcome to attend any meeting under the agenda item Public Open Session.
Notts 4 x 4 provided security and assistance with the road closures until an incident in 2022 when a several members of the team were involved in an incident with a vehicle together with verbal abuse and threatening behaviour. In 2023 Council paid £2,000 to hire in a security company, but the lack of numbers attending the parade was also a major factor along with all of the health and safety issues for not continuing with the parade. Other villages have a parade but is not provided by the council and some do use the footpaths. RBL are not permitted to own and run a Remembrance Day parade.
The Chairman said that the Service of Remembrance at All Saint’s Church with the homage and the 2 minutes silence followed by the laying of the wreaths at the War Memorial still and will continue to take place. Council suggested that the residents come and lay their wreath with all the other wreaths following the church Service of Remembrance.
Councillor K Chewings said that this is a very emotional subject and a number of years ago the Police stopped providing assistance with the parade and the Royal British Legion are no longer permitted to run the parade, so this was passed to the Town Council. The organisation of the event is complex logistically. Council discussed this over a number of months before making the decision. Council put up poppies on lamp columns in Cotgrave as well as the black images of soldiers (one of Cotgrave Futures, one on the Post Office wall). The public display of remembrance still takes place as does the Act of Remembrance.
There is no reason why the residents cannot walk on the pavement with their flag and wreath, however, this would not be covered by Cotgrave Town Council insurance and the residents would need to speak to the Police.
A resident said that she had put up some posters around the village asking for support for the reinstatement of the parade. The resident had also forwarded an email regarding several issues which she wishes to speak about and council wished to address, but due to the time permitted for the Public Open Session, this part of the meeting now needed to be closed.
Councillor S Ellis proposed to end the Public Open Session, and Councillor Shaw asked if the member of the public would be able to attend Council’s next meeting being held on 12th October, where her issues would be addressed. The resident agreed to return to the following meeting.
Two members of the public left the meeting at 7.20pm.
PC Saskia Mills and PCSO Phil Evans said that they would both be attending the Service of Remembrance and would be laying a wreath on behalf of the Police.
PC Saskia Mills gave a brief update on the crime figures for Cotgrave and Councillor Shaw asked about the incidents at the Cotgrave Community Garden. PC Mills said that there had been no further incidents since the end of July and the police have provided resources to assist with the ASB.
Council also asked about the damaged that had been caused on the Green play area. The Police had spoken to the Football Club but they said that he could not identify the children by the numbers on the shirts as they have several teams using the same numbers. The CCTV clearly show the numbers on the shirts.
Councillor Chewings asked if PC Mills could provide Council with the OIC of the incident so the Town Clerk can contact them to plan for the football club to view the CCTV.
Councillor Chewings also said that Cotgrave Futures and Cotgrave Town Council have agreed to pay a third each towards CCTV provision for the Community Garden but the Community Garden are hoping to raise funds at events being held during September to also be able to pay a third towards this CCTV provision and additional security.
The resident attending the meeting said that he would be willing to volunteer his time to help with the Community Garden.
Councillor Shaw said that there has been a car parked outside of the Catholic Church for several week which has a flat tyre. Councillor Butler said that abandoned cars can be reported on the Rushcliffe Borough Council website.
Councillor Shaw also commented on the car parking on the grass verge on the corner of Daleside and Owthorpe Road. The Police would speak to the residents.
Councillor Buter said that it was nice to have the Police in attendance at Council meetings and an invite would be extended to them for the next council meeting.
PC Mills said that a new team of 6 officers working over 7 days a week, but not 24 hours a day will be starting in October/November and there will be a larger coverage of policing in Rushcliffe South.
Councillor Chewings asked if the crime statistics could be reported on a monthly basis.
The Chairman thanked PC Mills and PCSO Evans for attending the meeting.
Accuracy of the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 15th July 2024
Resolved : “That the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 15 July 2024 be received and confirmed
as a true record.”
Progress Minutes of Annual Council Meeting held on 15th July 2024
M0853 Grass Cutting at Church Yard and Cemetery
The payment for the outstanding grass cutting has now been received.
M0855 Cotgrave FC
A meeting is being held with the football club on Friday 13th September in the Town Council Office to discuss the using of the Leisure Centre field and the rent increase for Arthur Ridley Sportsground.
M0862 No Ball Games signage at Shopping Centre
The signage has now been installed by Rushcliffe Borough Council.
M0882 Ringleas play area roundabout repair
The repair of the roundabout is still waiting to be scheduled to take place, it is planned for late September.
M0894 Proposed junction changes at The Cross/Plumtree Road
Councillor Butler informed Council that the original proposed mini island at the junction will be removed from the planning conditions at the current time. A transport model assessment will still need to be carried out for this junction and something will need to be carried out at the junction but this will not be looked at until 150 houses have been built at the new estate on Hollygate Lane.
M0902 – M0904 Dr MacDonald’s bench
Councillor Chewings said that there had been a great turnout for the opening of
Dr MacDonald’s bench.
He also thanked the Town Clerk and the Administration Manager for organising the reception following the official opening.
M0912 Recycling Bins on the Shopping Centre Car Park
Councillor Chewings said that he had forwarded an email to the Borough regarding the bins.
M0913 Bench at Bus Stop on Colston Gate
Councillor Butler informed that the damaged bench has now been removed.
M0915 Pumping out of water on construction site on Hollygate Lane
Councillor Chewings said that the issue with the pumping out of water onto the Country Park had now been resolved. A site visit had taken place and this was not a planning matter, but there has been a change in direction of water being pumped out.
M0917 Planting up of the Shopping Centre planters
An email has been received from the Cotgrave Community Garden stating that 4 beds have been planted up, some with Spring/Summer plants and some also containing some Autumn plants.
0960 Council asked if the Clerk could contact the Community Garden asking them for a breakdown of how the £950 has been spent.
Planning Minutes
Resolved : “To confirm the planning minutes recorded and the decisions taken by the Council and
those of the Planning Authority.”
Financial Matters
Resolved: ‘’That the payments made since the previous meeting totalling £27,061.22 as recorded below, be
approved and the invoices awaiting payment be paid’’.
Kent Services | 67212 | Grounds Maintenance July | 1 | 1080.00 |
Notts County Supplies | 072400587 | Stationery – Refuse Bags | 1 | 52.16 |
Elexcel | 12059 | Muga Lights Repair | 1 | 106.80 |
Rushcliffe Borough Council | 71115377 | Monthly Rent Unit 28 | 1 | 650.00 |
Rushcliffe Borough Council | 71115439 | Quarterly Rent Grassmere | 1 | 68.75 |
Rushcliffe Borough Council | 71115180 | Quarterly Rent Eastmoor | 1 | 66.25 |
Rushcliffe Borough Council | 71115107 | Monthly Rent Suite F | 1 | 435.00 |
Rushcliffe Borough Council | 71115493 | Service Charge Suite F | 1 | 180.00 |
Rushcliffe Borough Council | 71115170 | Quarterly Rent The Green | 1 | 68.75 |
British Gas | 881648804 | Suite F Electricity | 1 | 86.02 |
Meerkat Comms | 3246 | Telephone and Broadband | 1 | 63.00 |
Safari Sale | Stall Refund | 1 | 5.00 | |
Friends of Cotgrave C of E | Grant | 1 | 500.00 | |
Mrs J D Stephenson | Plants Dr MacDonald’s Memorial | 1 | 50.70 | |
Elexcel | 12061 | New Lights Unit 28 | 1 | 274.26 |
Roffesoft | 8255 | Laptop Lenovo (Town Clerk) | 1 | 599.00 |
Solicitors | 529529 | Legal Advice | 1 | 650.00 |
Allotment Tenant | Plot – Bond Refund | 1 | 50.00 | |
Skate UK | 1053 | Summer Market | 9 | 1142.91 |
Slacklines | 159 | Summer Market | 9 | 1100.00 |
Mick Dutton | 16002 | Rake, Chain | 1 | 92.90 |
Mick Dutton | 15885 | Repair to Kioti | 1 | 192.00 |
J D Stephenson | Refreshments Dr Macdonald’s Memorial | 1 | 70.65 | |
Adlard Print | 21562 | Summer Newsletter | 4 | 1986.00 |
Allotment Tenant | Key Deposit Refund | 1 | 50.00 | |
HSBC Bank | Bank Charges | 1 | 8.00 | |
Cotgrave Connections | Delivery of Summer Newsletter | 4 | 297.50 | |
E S Solutions | 19424 | Notice Board Repairs West Furlong | 1 | 442.80 |
Opus Energy | 75487132 | Sportsground Pavilion Electricity | 1 | 125.94 |
EDF | Unit 28 Electricity | 1 | 29.54 | |
Roffesoft | 8263 | Set up new laptop and transfer data | 1 | 252.00 |
Cotgrave Futures | 875 | MUGA Electricity Charge | 1 | 10.33 |
Sublime Shine | 916 | Cotgrave Futures Window Clean | 1 | 61.88 |
Rushcliffe Borough Council | 71119518 | Suite F Service Charge | 1 | 180.00 |
Rushcliffe Borough Council | 71119429 | Unit 28 Rent | 1 | 650.00 |
Rushcliffe Borough Council | 71119213 | Suite F Rent | 13 | 435.00 |
Notts County Council | 93041857 | July Salaries | 1 | 12601..53 |
Kent Services | 66967 | Grounds Maintenance May | 1 | 1080.00 |
Three | Mobile Phones | 1 | 14.62 | |
Opus Energy | Arthur Ridley Sports Pavilion | 1 | 8.00 | |
HSBC | Bank Charges | 1 | 8.00 | |
Meerkat Comms | Phone and Broadband | 1 | 42.00 | |
PKF Littlejohn LLP | NT0046 | Annual Return 31.3.24 | 1 | 1008.00 |
UK Fuels | 10023243 | Fuel | 1 | 96.91 |
WaterPlus | 6629124 | Forest Close Allotments | 1 | 56.02 |
Waterplus | 6648013 | Unit 28 | 1 | 43.94 |
0963 Income
Resolved :
“That the income totalling £7,804.77 since the last meeting, as reproduced below.
1.7.24 | Cotgrave FC | Rent | 180.00 |
4.7.24 | Allotment Plot 11 | Rent, Bond, Key Deposit | 84.80 |
5.7.24 | Safari Sale | Stall | 5.00 |
9.7.24 | J Langstaff | Summer Market Stall | 25.00 |
9.7.24 | Dempster | Summer Market Stall | 25.00 |
10.7.24 | Rushcliffe Borough Council | Shopping Centre Maintenance | 3046.86 |
18.7.24 | HMRC | VAT Refund | 2660.95 |
27.7.24 | Allotment Tenant | Plot 6 Hollygate Rent, Water, Bond | 73.33 |
28.7.24 | Allotment Tenant | Plot 23 Hollygate Rent, Water, Bond | 73.33 |
31.7.24 | Blu | Advert Summer Newsletter | 168.00 |
31.7.24 | NatWest Bank | Interest | 269.35 |
1.8.24 | Cotgrave FC | Rent | 160.00 |
5.8.24 | Allotment Tenant | Rent, Key, Bond Plot 20b | 82.75 |
7.8.24 | Safari Sale | Stalls | 30.00 |
7.8.24 | Summer Market | Stalls | 20.00 |
12.8.24 | Slimming World | Newsletter Advert/Leaflets | 194.40 |
19.8.24 | Cllr K Chewings | Newsletter Advert | 126.00 |
21.8.24 | D Cox Amusements | Fair Rent | 500.00 |
23.8.24 | Rushcliffe Borough Council | Cllr Ellis Funding D-Day 80 | 100.00 |
Financial Statements
Members considered and approved the Statements for July 2024 as reproduced at the back of the Minute Book.
Conclusion of Audit 31st March 2024
The External Auditor’s Report provided by PKF Littlejohn, and Certificate for 2023/2024 has been approved and signed off with without any recommendations.
Council thanked the Clerk for all the work carried out on the annual audit of accounts.
Policies – GDPR
Council reviewed the following GDPR policies:-
- Data Breach
- Retention of Document and Records Management
- Data Protection
- Subject Access Request (SARs) Procedure
- General Privacy Notice
- Privacy Notice for Staff, Councillors and Role Holders
Resolved : “To approve the GDPR Policies.”
Risk Assessments
Council reviewed the following risk assessments as part of Council’s Safety Audit for 2024-2025:-
- Use of Ride on Lawnmower
- Hand Mower
- Use of Abrasive Angle Grinding Wheel
- Allotments
- Lone Working General
Resolved : “To approve the risk assessments.”
Model Code of Standing Orders 2018 (England)
Council reviewed the Model Code of Standing Orders 2018 (England)
Resolved : “To approve the Model Code of Standing Orders 2018 (England) The Standing Orders will be
reviewed again at the Annual Council Meeting on 19th May 2025.
Working Group Updates
Pensioners Christmas Meal
Councillor L Healy presented a quotation for the Pensioners Christmas Meal to take place at the Nottinghamshire Golf and Country Club on Wednesday 18th December
The cost for 150 of Cotgrave’s pensioners to attend the event including a three course meal, juice on the table and tea, coffee and mince pies would be £3,994.80 + VAT, plus the cost of one coach hire at £350.00.
A budget of £5,000 has been set for the event, so this would allow to increase the guests to 160. The finances used to provide the Christmas Pensioners Meal is given in a grant to Cotgrave Town Council from Light Source, a solar panel farm located near the canal and this money is also used to provide activities for the Christmas Lights Event.
Resolved : “To accept the quotation from the Nottinghamshire Golf and Country Club for a pensioners
Christmas Meal to take place on Wednesday 18th December 2024.”
Councillor Healy will liaise with the Administration Manager to put all of the information into the next edition of Cotgrave Connections Newsletter.
Strategy Group
Council were presented with notes from the meeting held on 31st July 2024.
Councillor N Monday also attended the working group as an observer and Councillor S Ellis nominated Councillor Monday to become a member of the group. This was seconded by Councillor S Mitchell.
Some members of the strategy group are attending a meeting with the Rushcliffe planning to discuss the changing of the conditions for the removal of the bridge.
Cotgrave FC
A meeting will be taking place on Friday 13th September. Rushcliffe Borough Council are happy that the control of the football pitch on Madisson Field is handed back to the Town Council. Currently the sole user of the football pitch is Cotgrave FC.
Council were copied into a document giving all of the expenditure for the sports ground and pavilion at Arthur Ridley, also in the sole use of Cotgrave FC.
The licence and charges for 2025-2026 need to be set.
Councillor K Chewings proposed that Council agree to take back the management of the Madisson Field football pitch. This was seconded by Councillor S Ellis. All in favour.
Resolved: ‘That Cotgrave Town Council control the letting of the football pitch on Maddison Field.’
Tree Planting Proposal at Cotgrave Country Park – Public Consultation
Information has been received from Nottinghamshire County Council regarding a public consultation regarding a proposed tree planting project on land at the Cotgrave Country Park.
Greenwood Community Forest as part of the Trees for Climate scheme is proposed to create an additional area of woodland on part of the former agricultural land at Cotgrave Country Park. The main aim of the project is to establish native broad-leaved woodland that delivers benefits for wildlife and carbon sequestration.
Comments may be made by Wednesday 11th September 2024 which will be included in the submission to the Forestry Commission. Cotgrave Town Council are in full support of this project and will write to Greenwood Community Forest.
CCTV The Green for Dr Macdonald’s Bench
Following the installation of Dr Macdonald’s bench it has been suggested by Council that an additional CCTV camera is added to the system based at Cotgrave Futures.
A quotation has been provided from GlobeSec for 1 x High Resolution PTZ Camera with 150m infrared for £962 + VAT.
Resolved : “To agree to purchase an additional camera to cover the area on the Green containing
Dr Macdonald’s bench/garden.
Correspondence (for information only)
Cavendish Consulting – JBM Solar’s proposal for Heron Solar Farm Update
On 27th August 2024 Rushcliffe Borough Council granted consent for JBM Solar’s proposals for a new 20MW solar farm on land off Stragglethorpe Road between Cotgrave and Radcliffe-on-Trent.
As part of the consented planning application, JBM Solar is providing a community benefit fund of £264,000 to Cotgrave Town Council, to be paid in annual instalments. In addition to this, they will also be engaging in discussion with Cotgrave Country Park to understand where there are opportunities for direct support. The Town Clerk will invite Bente Klein, from the Cavendish Consulting to give an update at the next meeting.
Resident – Cotgrave evening bus service
A letter has been forward from a resident regarding the provision of evening buses in Cotgrave. The evening bus service by Vectare has been withdrawn from Sunday to Thursday. Cotgrave were not informed of the stopping of the service, but Vectare have stated that it was not viable due to lack of use.
Councillor Butler informed Council about the Notts Bus on Demand ran by Nottinghamshire County Council. Buses are available to book Monday to Saturday between 7am and 7pm, Notts on Demand offers a flexible way for you to reach your destination within Rushcliffe. Buses can be booked via an app or by calling 0115 804 0404. More information can be found by visiting
Councillor Butler has also spoken to the Transport Manager at Notts County Council who are in early discussions with other bus companies, but no further details are available at the current time.
Crime Statistics
The following crime statistics for Cotgrave has been forwarded from Cotgrave Police:-
1.6.24 | Theft of number plates from transit van overnight | RIngleas |
9.6.24 | Damage caused at community gardens overnight | Woodview |
2.7.24 | Attempted burglary front door handle tried | Saxon Way |
5.7.24 | Damage caused at community gardens overnight | Woodview |
6.7.24 | Caravan stolen from storage yard overnight | Peas Hill Lane |
6.7.24 | Theft of Ring Doorbell from front door | Cartbridge |
10.7.24 | Damage caused at community garden overnight | Woodview |
15.7.24 | Damaged cause to windows and door overnight | Marlwood |
24.7.24 | Damaged caused at community garden overnight | Woodview |
7.8.24 | Transit van stolen from driveway later recovered in Clifton |
Civility & Respect
A copy of the lates Civility and Respect Project newsletter has been received.
Nottinghamshire Children’s Centre Service
Information has been forwarded to Council for the Children’s Centre Service Christmas Marketplace Toy Appeal 2024.
Council asked the Town Clerk to forward a grant request form to the Children’s Centre as many families in Cotgrave are given support at Christmas with this appeal.
Update from Ward Members
Councillor Butler informed Council that Nottinghamshire County Council is working on their Local Development Framework (LDF) to prepare for the next round of the local plan for councils in Nottinghamshire.
Councillor Chewings said that the document has not been made public but will be available on the website on 19th September for consultation with Cotgrave Town Council and the public.
Councillor Butler also said that the refurbishment of the Leisure Centre is due to commence in September and there may be some disruption at the Leisure Centre in the coming weeks whilst building work progress. The gate in the car park to Madisson Park will be closed for during the work.
Councillor Chewings said that the Borough Council are reviewing their polling districts but felt that the two polling stations provided in Cotgrave were very adequate and user friendly.
Clerks Reports
Nottinghamshire County Council has forwarded information about the Nottinghamshire Local Natural Recovery Strategy. The main purpose is to help reverse the ongoing decline of nature in England by establishing priorities for nature and the wider environment. The proposed date for the workshop is Monday 16th September from 2pm to 4pm via Microsoft teams. Link will be forwarded.
Further information has been sent from Rushcliffe Borough Council regarding the bins and collections from Cotgrave. A meeting has been arranged for Friday 13th September in the Town Council Office with Rushcliffe.
A reminder about the Rushcliffe Dementia Awareness Network (RDAN) who will be running a Dementia Awareness session at the Methodist Hall from 2-4pm on 23rd September 2024.
The Nottinghamshire Association of Local Council’ s AGM will be held on Saturday 12th October at the YMCA in Newark. If any councillor would like to attend please inform the Clerk.
Council’s electricity contract for Unit 28 is coming to an end, the Clerk has obtained new contract rates from EDF as follows:-
1 year deal – £252/pa
2 year deal – £253/pa
3 year deal – £253/pa
Council asked the Clerk to set up the 3 year deal.
A letter has been received from a resident asking if the Town Council were aware that a dog walking business was using Maddison Field from which to run their training classes.
Until further information can be obtained about this, a new sign will be ordered informing that no commercial business may be ran on the field, which is in line with Council’s Playground/Recreation Spaces Policy.
Councillors’ Reports
Councillor S Mitchell asked to be reminded of the date for the deadline of the newsletter.
Councillor Simpson asked if the Warm Hub at the Methodist Church was to continue this winter. The Warm Hub currently opened on Thursday afternoon and Saturday mornings.
The press and public will be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item/s of business of the grounds that it involves and likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Section 1(2) of the Public Bodes (Admission to Meetings)
Act 1960.
Barratt Homes/Rushcliffe Borough Council
Information had been received regarding the bridge at Hollygate Lane which was discussed by council.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.57pm.
Chair:…………………………………… Signed as a True Record (Date)………………………………
Planning Minutes
The following responses were made to plans under consideration by the Planning Authority, Rushcliffe Borough Council.
No objections were raised except where stated.
040 At Council Meeting on 9th September 2024
24/00897/FUL 4 Bingham Road, Cotgrave, Nottingham, NG12 3JR – extension to existing building to
provide additional 1 bedroom flat, works to car park area and extend width of access to Bingham Road.
24/01208/FUL 49 Rivermead, Cotgrave, Nottingham, NG12 3LP – single storey front extension/front porch.
Rushcliffe Borough Council, the planning authority, has forwarded the following decisions:-
041 Grant Planning Permission
24/01208/FUL 49 Rivermead, Cotgrave, Nottingham, NG12 3LP – single storey front extension/front porch.
042 Grant Outline Planning Permission
21/00231/OUT Land South and East of Hollygate Lane, Cotgrave, Nottinghamshire – Outline planning
application for up to dwellings with all matters reserved other than access/means of access.
043 Discharge of Conditions
24/00042/DISCON Land rear of Mill Hill/The Old Park, Cotgrave, Nottingham – discharge of condition 2
(Materials and Architectural Details) Condition 5 (Footpaths) and Condition 10 (LEAP) from planning app
044 Non-Material Amendment Agreed
24/00332/NMA Land South of Hollygate Lane and North of Colston Gate, Cotgrave Nottingham –
application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 21/01203/OUT to amend the wording of
condition 24 to ensure that the temporary junction improvement works to Bingham Road/Hollygate
Lane/Colston Gate junction are included for together with delivery timings for the permanent works to
Bingham Road/Hollygate Lane/Colston Gate junction.
Chair:…………………………………… Signed as a True Record (Date)………………………………