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Minutes Council Meeting 2nd December 2020

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Minutes Council Meeting 2nd December 2020

Present                         :         
Councillors D Stothard (Acting Chairman), R Butler, K Chewings, D Eldridge, B Handbury, L Healy, C Jeffreys,
N Monday, C Patterson, I Shaw and A Simpson (from 7.09pm)

Apologies Received      :         
Councillor H Brumpton, M Chewings, S Ellis, S Gardner and D Wilkie.

In Attendance                :         
The Town Clerk, Administration Manager (Cotgrave Town Council),  and PC Paul Henson.                                                                                         

The meeting was held virtually, via Zoom, and commenced at 7pm.



1194     The apologies given were approved.


Declarations of Interest

1195     No declarations of interest were given.


Public Open Session

Standing Orders were suspended at 7.03 to allow PC P Henson to speak with Council.

PC Henson has moved to Cotgrave to replace PC Shinn who has recently retired. He was previously based at
West Bridgford Police Station as a Neighbourhood Police Officer for 6 years and has been a police officer for
18 years. PC Henson is authorised to use the police drone.

Councillor Eldridge enquired if the recently damaged CCTV camera located on Blu Hair Salon was placed
high enough to stop it from being damaged again.

The Clerk informed Councillor Eldridge that this camera was supplied by Blu and not Cotgrave Town Council
or Rushcliffe Borough Council.

Councillor Shaw spoke about the nuisance motorcycles in the wood at the back of the Dial and that after
many calls made to 101 at around 12 noon, that 8 hours later there had been no attendance by the Police. 
He asked if there had been any success in tracking down these motorcycles?

PC Henson was not able to comment on the call out on the day but said that he had been working closely
with PCSO P Evans on this and that they could utilise the drone in this area, and then review the footage.

 Councillor Brumpton mentioned if a press release is given, often information is shared to where the nuisance
bikes are stored.

Councillor Butler raised the issue of on road bikes and cars in Cotgrave and the noise disruption and
dangerous driving.  Would it be worth residents passing on any registration numbers of the vehicles to the

PC Henson said that any information especially registration plates, dates, and times, make and model of the
vehicle is always very helpful and helps the police to speak to the owners regarding their vehicles.

Councillor Shaw mentioned that the Methodist Church was still being targeted and this has been ongoing
for quite a time.

PC Henson would review the details of the crimes and anti-social behaviour and contact the Church to
discuss what could be done to help.

Councillor Simpson asked if the crime figures given included COVID-19 breaches, this set of figures did not,
but there had not been any breaches attended by police in this area.

PC Henson covers the city centre once every 5 weeks and encounters different types of issues and all must
be logged through the police system.


Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 11th November 2020

Councillor L Healy mentioned that in minute number 1120, he did not use the word ‘survivor’ to describe
those who were victims of domestic abuse and said that this word was rather harsh and could be minutes

1205     Resolved          :          
“That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 14th October and Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 11th November 2020 be  received and confirmed as a true record”.



M1139  Telephone Box on West Furlong
The Clerk informed Council that she had contacted the Borough Council’s new solicitor and that there was
no further legal work needed regarding the adoption of the telephone box from British Telecom.  A form was
required to be forwarded to BT to start the transfer process.


Planning Minutes

1207     Resolved          :          
“To confirm the planning minutes recorded the decisions taken by the Council and those of the Planning Authority.”


Financial Matters


‘’That the payments made since the previous meeting totalling £17,890.85 as recorded below, be approved and the invoices awaiting payment be paid’’.

HSBC Bank Charges16.50
Adlard Print18248Autumn Newsletter Printing 1332.00
Nottm Local News53226Delivery of Newsletter 288.00
Veber47947Data Back Up113.20
UK Fuels1056753Fuel1116.33
Opus Energy69511714Pavilion Electricity178.72
Notts County Council98510222October Salaries110,552.17
Mrs J Pick Reimbursement for Hazard Tape125.98
Mrs J Pick Reimbursement for Printer Ink128.39
PKF Littlejohn20202572External Audit Fees 19-20 960.00
HSBC Bank Charges19.52
Royal British Legion Wreath/Donation1150.00
Cotgrave Kitchen Deposit Pensioners Meal 1200.00
Cotgrave Kitchen Grant – Polytunnel Comm Garden11000.00
National Allotments Membership166.00
Rialtas212469Digital VAT/Annual Support170.80
J A Kents61656November Maintenance1880.00
J Stephenson Ink – Home Working126.00
RCAN Membership1114.00
Landscape Supplies96246Tree Loppers146.14
J Pick Selection Boxes for Schools 725.50
Blachere153038Christmas Tree Lights1163.20
Talktalk Phone and Broadband138.40


“That the income totalling £1682.47 since the last meeting, as reproduced below.

Income Received

2.11.2020Cotgrave FCRent150.00
2.11.2020HMRCVAT Refund1401.33
5.11.2020Rushcliffe BCGrass Cutting281.14

Finacial Statements

Members considered the Statements for October 2020 as reproduced at the back of the Minute Book.

At the end of October 2020 Council had £24,290.85 in the Co-op account, £145,805.16 in the HSBC account and £201,080.92 in the NatWest account.


Annual Governance Accountability Return

Council noted the completion of the audit from PKF Littlejohn. There had been no matters arising from the
audit and this document was now uploaded to the Town Council website.



No grant requests had been received.


Working Groups

Pensioners Christmas Meal

Councillor L Healy gave an update. 

The meals had been oversubscribed on the original number and the number of meals booked over the two
days was now 188 including those on the reserve list.

There had been a reserve list of 20, and Jill Mathers and her team at the Community Kitchen had agreed to
also supply these residents with a meal.

The meals will be delivered between 12 noon and 2pm on each day and if the councillors helping with the
delivery could be at the Welfare for 11.50am on each day ready for the meals to be distributed.

The Clerk will arrange for masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer to be available for all the delivery volunteers.

Councillor Healy asked if the Clerk and the Administration Manager could have some time the day before
each meal is delivered to help put together the goody backs that would accompany the meal?  Council
were all in agreement.

The total cost of the 188 meals was £2525, a deposit had been paid of £1200 which leave a balance of
£1325 to be paid to the Community Kitchen.

Councillor Shaw asked if a map of the village could be provided?  The Administration Manager will provide
a map highlighted with each delivery round and a list of names and addresses for each delivery round

Grassmere Play Area

Councillor D Stothard said there was very little to report on the upgrading of Grassmere Play area at this
time.  He had received several quotations but was still waiting for additional quotations to be supplied.

Working Group for Future housing development in Cotgrave

The Clerk asked if Council would form a working group?

Councillors H Brumpton, K Chewings, D Eldridge, S Ellis, B Handbury, C Jeffreys, I Shaw, and A Simpson all
wished to be part of the working group.

The initial meeting would take place, virtually on Wednesday 9th December 2020.


Quarterly Play Inspections

Council had been copied into the latest inspection reports which had taken place on 27th October.

The Clerk informed that the See-saw at Grassmere park had been repaired and the park had been

Councillor Healy noted that the report on The Green did show a few minor snagging items and asked if the
new play park equipment was still covered under warranty.  The warranty had expired in September.

Council’s ground staff had been given a list of the snagging items and would carry out the repairs.


Positive Futures

Council had been copied into a Cotgrave Action Plan provided by Positive Futures.

Positive Futures have previously provided various youth engagement and holiday activities for the young
people of Cotgrave.

The Clerk had received an email from Mark Clifford informing that Positive Futures had now secured office
space within Cotgrave again.

The Action Plan outlines packages that would run from 2021-2025 and covers targeted youth engagement,
life skills workshops and transmission sessions.

Councillor K Chewings stated that he fully supported the work carried out by Positive Futures and asked if
they would also be able to provide a summer activity programme for Cotgrave?

Councillor Butler stated that Positive Futures was originally set up in 2009 and has always supported this

Councillor Eldridge said that the document also seems to target work related to anti-social behaviour, which
was a good thing.

Councillor L Healy also agreed that Positive Futures have always given a good service to the young people of Cotgrave.

1237     Resolved          :          
“To set up the action plan provided by Positive Futures in Cotgrave for 2025 at a cost of £6,925 pa.”


Covid-19 Policy

The Clerk stated that she was trying to get guidance on whether the outdoor gym at Grassmere and
Ringleas play parks could now be reopened following the end of the lockdown period.

Now that the Leisure Centre had reopened, Council staff were back in the office. The Clerk would be in the
office on Monday, Tuesday and Friday and the Administration Manager on Wednesday and Thursday, they
would be working at home on the other days.



Council had been copied into correspondence from the Government website regarding new legislation on
the annual holiday entitlement.  Changes had been made due to the Covid-19 pandemic on how and when
staff would be able to carry forward their annual holiday allowance if there was a practicable reason that
there were not able to take their full allowance during 2020/2021.

Council were in favour of allowing staff to carry unused holiday entitlement forward, but it would need to be
used by 31st March 2022.

Cotgrave Church of England Primary School

Council had received a short paper from the Chairman of Governors regarding the requirement for a new
Church of England Primary School and inviting the Chairman of Council to attend a future meeting.

Councillors were fully in supported of this and Councillor Butler had forwarded a copy of the letter to the
Education Department at Nottinghamshire County Council.

Council asked if a virtual meeting could be set up with the Chairman of Governors of the school to discuss
this further.

Councillors R Butler, K Chewings, S Ellis, I Shaw and D Stothard agreed to form a working group to work
with the schools and show councils’ full support.

1245Crime Figures

Date    LocationCrime
9.11.2020Orchard DriveCar window smashed
16.11.2020Chapel LaneHouse window smashed
17.11.2020Blu Hair SalonCCTV camera damaged
17.11.2020Methodist ChurchKitchen extractor fan and fencing damaged
23.11.2020Vale View HouseGarden ornament/s stolen
26.11.2020Electricity Substation Colliers WayDumper truck and 2 x mini JCB diggers stolen
29.11.2020Cotgrave Community GardenCriminal Damage – gate damaged


Clerks’ Reports

Nottinghamshire County Council Christmas Wish Campaign

The Clerk had today received an email from Nottinghamshire County Council inviting council to nominate
volunteers who are providing invaluable help and support during this pandemic, a wish for your local community, or dedicated key workers and carers.  The Christmas Wishes received will be read by the County Council Chairman on Friday 4th December as part of his Christmas tree light switch on (by video).  Christmas wish received after this date will be shared on social medial by Nottinghamshire County Council.

The Clerk suggested that Council could nominated the Cotgrave Community Kitchen and Garden and
Rushcliffe CVS, who had given a lot of their time working with Cotgrave Community Response during the
Covid-19 pandemic.

Councillor Eldridge asked if Council could put forward these groups to be added to the list.

Councillor Healy informed Council that he had just been informed that the Cotgrave Community Kitchen,
who had been nominated for a Celebrating Rushcliffe Community Award has just won their category.

The Clerk also informed Council that she was working on providing information to Rushcliffe Property
Manager regarding information needed so that the Deed of Easement for the move to the new office could
be drawn up.

Today, the Christmas Tree had arrived and was now installed on the Shopping Centre.  There had been a
delay due to the initial tree not arriving last week as the delivery had not gone to schedule, which had
ensured additional costs to Council for the hire of the cherry picker.

The builders on the shopping centre had helped with getting the tree in position by using their telehandler.

The Clerk and the Administration Manager will have restricted access to the office during the leading up to
Christmas due to the Leisure Centre closing at 3pm on each day.

Councillors Reports

Councillor Butler informed Council of the new Greener Homes grant that was now available.

Nottinghamshire County Council has joined forces with the local climate change charity, Nottingham Energy
Partnership (NEP) and EON to launch the Green Homes Grant Nottinghamshire.

Through this project, the following resident could be eligible for a range of free home improvement

  • A homeowner or landlord*, and
  • Have a combined gross household income of under £30,000 and
  • Have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) of D, E, F, or G

To register your interest for the Green Homes Grant Nottinghamshire project, apply at or call the team directly on 0115 947 2207 (Mon – Fri, 9am – 5.30pm). 

Councillor Eldridge asked if the CCTV on the Shopping Centre was now working and if so, had it been used
evidence of any incidents.

The Clerk informed Council that she had met with the Police on three occasions to view the CCTV footage.

Councillor Eldridge asked if there had been any more information regarding the car park at Cotgrave
Country Park.

Councillor Butler said that this was being investigated the Notts County Council and the possibility of the car
park being extended.

Councillor Handbury had notice that there had been some damage to the wooden gate at the Cotgrave
Community Gardens.  While he was there, he had been invited into the gardens to have a look and said he
was very impressed by the work that was taking place within the gardens.

Councillor Healy had been forwarded an email from a Defibrillator supplier that might be considered when
putting a defibrillation into the phone box on West Furlong.  He would forward details of this to the Clerk.

Councillors Jeffreys wished to show her utmost support for the for plans for a new primary school to be
built in Cotgrave.         

Councillor Shaw noted that the roadworks signs between The Dial and Fox Hill had still not been removed. 
This had been reported to the County Council by Councillor Butler.

1260     ~
He also wished to follow up his request for a litter bin to be placed at the top of Owthorpe Road at the
entrance to the public footpath.  The Clerk had spoken to Notts County Council and Rushcliffe Borough
Council regarding this and would follow it up.

Councillor Simpson ask about the electricity connection on the post at Grrassmere Park that used to serve a
CCTV camera.  The Clerk had checked this and there is an electricity supply to the column.

Councillor Simpson also asked whether the paper that the Cotgrave Connections is printed on is plastic
free.  This question had been put to the printers, but no reply had been received.  This would be followed
up again.

Councillor D Stothard wished Council to consider a resident’s request for the possibility of having Christmas
music played on the shopping centre in future years.

 The Clerk noted this would require a licence but could look into that during the year.

He also had noticed that the new owner of Hotpots had installed an extraction fan on the roof and new
signage on the building and had concerns regarding the planning regulations.

The Clerk informed Council that the Enforcement Officer was speaking with the owner of the building.

Councillor Stothard thanked everyone for attending the meeting and wished the Chairman and his wife a
speedy recovery.  He thanked all council staff for their work during the year and wished everyone a very
Happy Christmas.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.28pm

Chairman…………………………………… Signed as a True Record (Date)………………………………

Planning Minutes

The following responses were made to plans under consideration by the Planning Authority Rushcliffe Borough Council.

No objections were raised except where stated.

043       At Council Meeting held on 2nd December 2020
19 Hawthorne Avenue, Cotgrave, NG12 3PY – erection of detached outbuilding for use as ‘Granny Flat’ and minor changes to approved boundary treatments (retrospective)
20/02896/FUL    37 Bingham Road, Cotgrave, Nottingham, NG12 3JS – erect one dormer bungalow.                                   

Rushcliffe Borough Council, the planning authority, has forwarded the following decisions: –

044       Permission Granted
20/02459/FUL    17 Glenbrook, Cotgrave, Nottingham, NG12 3LY – construction of two storey                                   rear extension.  Demolition of existing conservatory and freestanding garage. (Amended description).
20/02498/FUL    45 White Furrows, Cotgrave, NG12 3LE – erection of rear conservatory.
20/02671/FUL    26 Daleside, Cotgrave, NG12 3QN – erection of single storey rear extension.
20/02744/FUL    25 Woodview, Cotgrave, NG12 3PJ – erection of single storey side and rear extension and porch to
front with application of render.
20/01129/FUL    31 Daisy Close, Cotgrave, NG12 3QL – erection of two-storey side extension, double garage, with
new access off Daisy Close – resubmission.
20/02656/FUL    6 Chichester Drive, Cotgrave, NG12 3JJ – part demolition of side garage, construction of single storey front/side extension with glazed canopy and rear/side extension. New pitched roof to replace existing
flat roof.  Alterations to driveway.
20/02696/FUL    66 Daleside, Cotgrave, NG12 3QN – erection  of first floor rear and single storey side/rear

Chairman: ………………………………….. Signed as a True Record (Date): ……………………