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Minutes Finance Committee 16th September 2024

Please note that minutes remain in draft format until approved at the next meeting.

Present                         :         
Councillors I Shaw, R Butler, K Chewings, S Ellis and L Healy.
Apologies Received      :          

In Attendance                :         
Julie Stephenson (Town Clerk) – Cotgrave Town Council.

The meeting was held in the Meeting Room at Cotgrave Futures and commenced at 7pm.



0001     No apologies were given.

Election of Chairman

0002     Councillor K Chewings nominated Councillor S Ellis, this was seconded by
Councillor I Shaw.

0003     Resolved          :           “That Councillor S Ellis serve as Chairman until the next Annual
                                                Council Meeting.”         

Election of Vice Chairman

0004     Councillor R Butler nominated Councillor L Healy; this was seconded by Councillor
I Shaw.

0005     Resolved          :           “That Councillor L Healy serve as Vice Chairman until the next
                                                Annual Council Meeting.”

Declarations of Interest

0006     No Declarations of Interest were given.

Public Open Session

0007     No members of the public attended.

To set the dates for the Finance Committee Meetings for 2024/25

0008     It was discussed and agreed that the finance committee would meet a minimum of four times per year.

0009     The Finance committee will discuss the budget/precept and prepare a forecasting report

0010     Resolved          :           “That the Finance Meetings for 2024-2025 are 11th November
                                                    13th January and 10th March.

Terms of Reference

0011     The committee were provided with a copy of the suggested Terms of Reference, which were discussed, and two amendments were made, to include it is a minimum of four meetings per year and the length of meeting to be two hours with a maximum agreement of 30 minutes extension of standing orders if agreed by majority vote of the members.

0012     Resolved          :           “To accept the Terms & Reference for the Finance Committee with the two                              amendments.”

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.17pm.