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Minutes of Council Meeting 8th February 2023

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These minutes remain in draft form until approved at the next council meeting.

Present                         :         

Councillors I Shaw (Acting Chairman), K Chewings, M Chewings,  D Eldridge, S Ellis, B Handbury, L Healy, C Jeffreys, N Monday,  M Myles, C Patterson and A Simpson.

Apologies Received      :          
Councillors H Brumpton, R Butler, S Gardner, and D Stothard.

In Attendance                :          
Robert Galij, Planning Director, Mark Potter, (Divisional Engineering Manager (Barratts Homes), Julie Stephenson, Town Clerk and Jane Pick, Administration Manager (Cotgrave Town Council)

The meeting was held at Cotgrave Methodist Church and commenced at 7.00pm   



2777     The apologies received were approved.

Declarations of Interest

2778     No Declarations of Interest were given.

Public Open Session

2779     No members of the public were in attendance.

2780     Standing Orders were suspended to allow for Robert Galij and Mark Potter from Barratt Homes, to give Council an update on the proposed new bridge at Cotgrave Country Park/Hollygate Lane.

2881     Mr Galij was aware that the building of the new bridge has been drawn out over a long period of time, but Barratts are keen to conclude matters, especially as planning permission for the two additional housing schemes in Cotgrave, North and South of Hollygate Lane are moving forward.

2882     Mr Galij was aware that Cotgrave Town Council have formed an objection to the design proposal of the bridge previously offered. Barratts have discussed the bridge design again and then agreed with Canals and River Trust and Nottinghamshire County Council that this is the design they are all willing to accept, as the bridge is to be situated on their land. This is the original design and will be sent as a planning application.

2883     Cotgrave Town Council had objected to the design as it did not incorporate a disabled access and was not bike or pushchair friendly.  The was due to the access on both sides had steps and the bridge design was not in keeping with the local area.

2884     Cllr K Chewings commented that how very late the completion of the bridge was by  Barratts and that they have not followed the instructions from the original planning application, especially has it had stated in the original planning application the bridge would start installation after the first initial start of building of 100 houses and this did not happen.

2885     Mr Galij accepted that the bridge had not been delivered as timely as they would have liked.

2886     The current design is considered acceptable as there is other crossing points for disabled or bikes/pushchairs within a short walking distance that offer an acceptable crossing point.

2887     Mr Galij has given an assurance that he will give a monthly update to Cotgrave Town Council on the progress of the bridge.

Accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 8th February 2023

2888     Resolved          :           “That the minutes of the meeting held on 8th February 2023 be  received and confirmed as a true record.”

Progress Council Meeting held on 8th February 2023

2889     M2821 Recycling Bins

An update has been received from the Borough Council regarding the glass recycling bins that were previously available in the car park of the Rose & Crown.  These bins have now been relocated in the car park at The Manvers Arms.

Planning Minutes

2890     Resolved          :           “To confirm the planning minutes recorded and the decisions taken by the Council and those of the Planning Authority.”

Financial Matters

2891     Payments

Resolved:         ‘’That the payments made since the previous meeting totalling £22,602.59  as recorded below, be approved and the invoices awaiting payment be paid’’.

DateSupplierInv. NoItemAmount
25.12.22UK Fuels1100622Fuel236.95
21.12.22Kent Services64977Grounds Maintenance December960.00
28.12.22Notts CC92814765December Salaries12431.04
14.12.22Three1376281044Mobile Phones29.78
3.1.23WaterPlus812509Burhill Allotments97.34
31.12.22Cotgrave Methodist Church Room Hire 7.12.2230.00
5.1.23British Gas984627252Suite F Electricity45.69
10.11.22RCAN Annual Membership114.00
5.1.23Allotment Tenant Bond Refund50.00
3.1.23Rushcliffe BC70982332Rent Unit 28650.00
3.1.23Rushcliffe BC70982029Service Charge Suite F156.00
3.1.23Rushcliffe BC70981845Rent Suite F435.00
3.1.23Rushcliffe BC70982092Quarterly Rent The Green68.75
24.12.22WaterPlus724536Unit 28 Water Supply28.58
3.1.23Rushcliffe70982109Quarterly Rent Eastmoor Park66.25
6.1.23A R Signs2023010418 no. Vinyl’s and fixings for Dog foul signs on parks276.00
9.1.23J Pick Reimbursement for Ledger42.57
11.1.23TMS Hardware Hardware50.34
11.1.23J Pick Reimbursement for Petty Cash21.15
11.1.23Information Commissioner Membership35.00
12.1.23EDF Energy Unit 28 Electricity299.99
16.1.23Cotgrave Futures632MUGA Electricity39.78
11.1.23Notts County Supplies12300756Stationery27.13
9.1.23Opus Energy7316755Sportsground electricity97.34
17.1.23Meerkat Comms7385Telephone and Broadband60.79
Jan 23Stall Refund Christmas Market Event30.00
Jan 23SLCC508738-1The Clerk Manual (Book)52.30
Jan 23HSBC Bank Bank Charges10.50
30.1.23Sublime Shine750Cotgrave Futures Window Clean55.88
6.1.23J A Kents65077Tree Works5280.00
24.1.23WaterPlus1017434Unit 2829.22
16.1.23Rushcliffe BC70992787Reconciled Service Charge Suite F340.38
23.1.23Rushcliffe BC70993800Prorate Service Charge for ground maintenance (2.09% of total)176.83

Income Received


3.1.23Cotgrave FCRent160.00
VariousAllotment RenewalsHollygate, Burhill & Forest Close allotment sites1,683.51

Financial Statements

2893     Members considered and approved the Statements for December 2022 as reproduced at the back of the Minute Book.

At the end of November Council had £ 35,988.85 in the Co-op account, £110,996.64 in the HSBC account and £201,541.96 in the NatWest account.

Earmarked Reserves

2894     A working group had met to discuss Council’s earmarked reserves.

2895     The Chairman asked if this item would be deferred until the June meeting, once the council elections had taken place and the new council was in place.


2896     No grant requests had been received.

Cotgrave Futures

2897     The Clerk reported that a quotation has been received for the replacement of the outside lights to LED bulbs and new globes.  This item will be added to the agenda of the council meeting for March 2023.

 Working Groups

Miners Memorial

2898     A selection of photographs has been forwarded to the suppliers, these have been checked and are good enough quality to use for the memorial.

2899     A photographs of the window in the church will also be included on the memorial.

2900     Some wording has also been sent, to be included on the plinth.

            The supplier will now draw up a visual image for council to consider/approve when available, hopefully at the next council meeting.

2901     When the memorial is in situ; it would be appropriate that a dedication service should be arranged.

HM King Charles III Coronation

2902     Council were presented with options for gifts for the school children of Cotgrave Candleby Lane and Cotgrave Church of England School.

Resolved          :           “To purchase HM King Charles III Commemorative Coronation Coin, presented in velvet boxes at the cost of £4.01 each and to purchase the option preferred by Ash Lea School.

2903     Council discussed options for the children of Ash Lea School and ask  the Clerk to contact the school to speak with them about options for gifts.

2904     On Monday 8th May (Bank Holiday), it is being considered for Council to arrange a litter pick of areas within Cotgrave, asking for volunteers to take part in the ‘Big Help Out’, part of the King’s Coronation.

Summer Event on the Green

2905     Council have agreed a date for an event to be held on the Green/Shopping Centre on Saturday 22nd July.  This event would replace the Cotgrave Festival. 

2906     The Clerk and Administration Manager will start planning the event.

Ensuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the press and

Public be excluded from the meeting due to the confidential nature of the business to be

Transacted below, to appoint a grounds maintenance contractor.

Grounds Maintenance Contract April 2023 – March 2027

2907      The Council considered the three quotations received for grassing cutting for next four years.

2908     Resolved          :           ‘To award the grass cutting contract for 2023-2027 to Kents Services Limited.”

Correspondence (for information only)

2909     Notts 4×4

An email from Notts 4×4 has been received thanking council for the “incredibly kind donation, we are beyond grateful for your continued support of our group.” following the groups help with the Remembrance Day Parade and Fireworks Display.

2910     An email has been received from a resident thanking Cotgrave Town Council “for the lovely Christmas lunch.  It was very tasty, beautifully presented and in lovely surroundings.  The whole afternoon was a great occasion.”

Clerks Reports

2911     The Clerk has received correspondence from Rushcliffe Borough Council offering a match funded grant of £250 for community activities for the King’s Coronation on 6th May 2023.

2912     The Clerk has received a quotation for the replacement of the external lighting at Cotgrave Futures.  This will be added to the agenda for 8th March.

Councillors’ Reports

2913     Councillor Eldridge mentioned the misuse of the disabled parking spaces on the Shopping Centre and asked if any fines could be issued to those responsible. This is the responsibility of Rushcliffe Borough Council as the owners of the shopping centre and car parking areas.

2914     The Clerk will contact the Borough Council and ask if some additional signage could be provided for disabled spaces.

2915     Councillor Monday raised an issue with parking on the corner of Candleby Lane and Risegate and asked if this area could be considered for double yellow lines.

2916     Councillor Myles said that she had attended a film showing event at the Grange in Radcliffe on Trent and asked if this was something that could take place in Cotgrave. 

2917     Councillor Myles also said that the works at the BT premise was nearly complete. The fence now just needed repairing.

2918     Councillor Simpson asked again about the recycling bins located in the front car park at the shopping centre.  The green bin was illegal and should not be sited in the car park, which the borough council were aware of.

2919     Councillor Monday said that he had heard that Trent Barton was reducing some of their services from April, this would affect The Cotgrave with evening services being reduced.  More information was due soon from Trent Barton on exact details.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at  8.42pm

Chair:…………………………………… Signed as a True Record (Date)………………………………

Planning Minutes

The following responses were made to plans under consideration by the Planning Authority, Rushcliffe Borough Council.

No objections were raised except where stated:-

103       At Council Meeting on 8th February 2023

22/02336/REM   Land North of Parcel 2 Hollygate Lane, Cotgrave, Nottingham – application for the approval of Reserved Matters – 210 no. dwellings (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout & Scale) pursuant to outline planning permission

22/02353/FUL    Unit 8 Colliers Business Park, Fieldfare Road, Cotgrave – installation of  an extractor vent in the rear brick wall of premises.

23/00038/FUL    Cotgrave Community Garden, Woodview, Cotgrave – erection of a composting toiler with disabled access ramp and an outdoor, open-sided outbuilding shelter.

Rushcliffe Borough Council, the planning authority, has forwarded the following decisions:-

104       Permission Granted:

22/02229/FUL    Land north of Stragglethorpe Road, Stragglethorpe, Nottinghamshire –  erection of two storey detached dwelling and retention of detached storage outbuilding.

 22/02179/FUL    6 Corn Close, Cotgrave, Nottingham, NG12 3QJ – single storey front extension; single storey side extension; application of render to front side and and rear.

22/02330FUL     9 Fern Lea Avenue, Cotgrave, Nottingham, NG12 3PX – raise the height of the existing flat roof side and rear extension and add a window to front elevation.